Album: FB01
Author: Coltraz
Publication: SONHORS (source)
Date: 05/27/2006

By these obscure times when reign with excess the digital culture, it is not rare to find some integrist algorythmes mathematical to dedicate a true worship with the machines or rather with the instructions that they can be led to carry out. On this opus with the evocative name, Frank H. Rothkamm plunges us in the nebula of the sound synthesis by frequency modulation, invented in 1967 per John Chowning and pays a majestic homage to Synth?tiseur/Expandeur Yamaha FB01 builds in 1986. Complex or primitive sonority, plus the instrument is limited and more the sound esthetics which emerges from it is characteristic.

Recorded between 2002 and 2003 in Hollywood, this album (drawn with only 500 specimens) comprises 6 principal tracks and 7 4 seconds interludes which explore the relations between music and mathematics, the theory of probability and the theory of the events in chain. Rothkamm draws its inspiration with the sources of the electronic music and pr?cisement with the first sound experiments of the electronic studio of music of the radio W.D.R. of Cologne. Its at the same time utopian and scientific step is also to bring closer work Vladimir Ussachevsky, Louis & Bebe Barron, and of the serialists electronics specialists Herbert Eimert and Franco Evangelisti. Rothkamm described to him even its compositions like a compromise enters electronic Krautrock of first Tangerine Dream and the serialism of K H. Stockhausen!

Frank H. Rothkamm aka Frank Genius, enigmatic figure and ? how much complexes technological avant-garde, were born in 1965 in the small German city from G?tersloh. After having been established in Canada then in San Francisco, this type-setter, conceptual artist and data processing specialist currently live on the island from Manhattan in New York. Very active also on Internet, it manages many sites in order to present its various activities: FluxRecords (library of MP3), IFORMM (Intuitive Forth Oriented Retro Music Machine: musical programming language for Atari), Complexmusic, Supermodernism and Rothkamm.


Par ces temps obscurs o? r?gne ? outrance la culture digitale, il n'est pas rare de trouver quelques int?gristes des algorythmes math?matiques vouer un v?ritable culte aux machines ou plut?t aux instructions qu'elles peuvent ?tre amen?es ? ex?cuter. Sur cet opus au nom ?vocateur, Frank H. Rothkamm nous plonge dans la n?buleuse de la synth?se sonore par modulation de fr?quence, invent?e en 1967 par John Chowning et rend un majestueux hommage au Synth?tiseur/Expandeur Yamaha FB01 construit en 1986. Sonorit? complexe ou primitive, plus l'instrument est limit? et plus l'esth?tique sonore qui en ?merge est caract?ristique.

Enregistr? entre 2002 et 2003 ? Hollywood, cet album (tir? ? seulement 500 exemplaires) comporte 6 pistes principales et 7 interludes de 4 secondes qui explorent les relations entre musique et math?matiques, le calcul des probabilit?s et la th?orie des ?v?nements en cha?ne. Rothkamm puise son inspiration aux sources de la musique ?lectronique et plus pr?cisement aux premi?res exp?rimentations sonores du studio de musique ?lectronique de la radio W.D.R. de Cologne. Sa d?marche ? la fois utopique et scientifique est ?galement ? rapprocher des travaux de Vladimir Ussachevsky, Louis & Bebe Barron, et des s?rialistes ?lectroniciens Herbert Eimert et Franco Evangelisti. Rothkamm d?crit lui m?me ses compositions comme un compromis entre le Krautrock ?lectronique des premiers Tangerine Dream et le s?rialisme de K. H. Stockhausen !

Frank H. Rothkamm aka Frank Genius, figure ?nigmatique et ? combien complexe de l'avant-garde technologique, est n? en 1965 dans la petite ville allemande de G?tersloh. Apr?s s'?tre ?tabli au Canada puis ? San Francisco, ce compositeur, artiste conceptuel et informaticien vit actuellement sur l'?le de Manhattan ? New York. Tr?s actif ?galement sur Internet, il administre de nombreux sites afin de pr?senter ses diverses activit?s : FluxRecords (biblioth?que de MP3) , IFORMM (Intuitive Forth Oriented Retro Machine Music : langage de programmation musicale pour Atari), Complexmusic , Supermodernism et Rothkamm.

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