Heraclitus once said no human ever steps in the same river twice for it's not the same river and it’s not the same human at twilight what would happen if the human were to step into the same river again would always just step into the same river called the Rhine? as the river never changes the human sees the same river only from a different perspective instead that time passes by it it moves around time and no time passes at twilight samples from the same river called the Rhine move in space around the human time moves in space and no space moves forward in time while the earth ages and civilizations come and go would the human remain changeless and forever young? |
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Catalog No: | FLX143 (LN505) |
Title: | Twilight of the Rhine |
Sound Artist: | Frank Rothkamm |
Visual Artist: | Holger Rothkamm |
Label: | rothkamm.com |
Length: | 1:00:43 (3643s) |
Composed: | 2018 |
Location: | Cologne |
Instruments: | Zoom H2n PHP7 (PECL stats) Csound 6 |
Release Date: | 08/19/2018 |
Format: | Digital |
Tags: | csound microphone |